Period Hair - 1950s
The 1950s was the first full decade after World War II ended. There was so much that happened during this era. For example, the first modern credit card was introduced, the satellite Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union, which began the Space race between them and the US during the Cold war, and the first regularly-scheduled colour TV programme was introduced, which was called 'The World Is Yours!' (1951). (Rosenberg, J. 2020). Figure 1 - Sputnik (Theinvisibleagent, 2011) This era had many different trending styles to pick from. A classic one would be the soft waved bob. Many women liked this style as they could mould the hair to frame their face. (Vintagedancer, 2018). This style was very commonly worn by the actress Marilyn Monroe (1926 - 1962). Figure 2 - Soft waved bob (Stylezco, no date) Figure 3 - Marilyn Monroe (1926 - 1962) (Higgs, C. no date) Figure 4 - Marilyn Monroe (1926 - 1962) (Biography, no date) Bangs became very popular during this decade, and in different...