
Showing posts from March, 2021

Prosthetics - Sculpting!

After creating the master mould, the life cast can be used to begin sculpting. The sculpting process is the most important step when creating prosthetics. The sculpt is what the final prosthetic will look like, so attention to detail is key here.  To prepare the cast, it can be painted the same colour as the sculpting clay that will be used. This is helpful because it allows the sculpt to blend in with the cast and not look so odd, but it also helps the cast and clay to be seen as one uniform piece. Figure 1 - Painted ear casts (Brown, J. 2020) Once this has dried, it is important to make sure a separator has been applied over the top. When the basic sculpt has been finished, the clay will be floated off of the cast in water and transferred to the smaller cores. The separator is necessary to do this. Figure 2 - Separator for floating off sculpts (Neillsmaterials, no date) For this sculpt, Chavant NSP was used. This clay is a very popular choice as it is non-hardening and doesn't dr